Friday, May 16, 2008

Imbecile Day

Well, instead of "Embassy Day", we'll always think of this day as "Imbecile Day". I was awake most of the night obsessing about the documents, and checking the alarm clock to make sure it was set. (Ruth also breathes really loudly in her sleep, and that didn't help me.)

We were up and ready in time (barely) to meet our taxi driver at 6:45 this morning to drive us across town to meet the interpreter. He was also helping another lady who had her embassy appointment today, too, and as they were reviewing her documents, I heard him ask her if she had her passport, and I realized that I had left our passports at the hotel! We had to call our taxi driver to come back and Larry took off with him back across town (in rush-hour traffic) while Ruth and I went with the interpreter to the embassy. Luckily we were number 14 out of 15, so they had not called our name by the time Larry got back with the passports. After wandering around for a bit, and getting sent to the wrong gate a couple of times, he finally found his way to us. My stomach was just grinding and I felt like such an idiot - here I've been absolutely obsessed with these documents for over a year, and then to mess up so hugely on the most important day! The rest of the appointment went off without a hitch, and we were out of there by about 9:00.

Now we just twiddle our thumbs until we go back to the embassy on Monday to pick up the visa at 3:30.

We weren't allowed to have cameras at the embassy, but here's a picture of Ruth in her Embassy Day dress. These sandals are only about 1 size too big --- not bad for a guess after drawing around her foot at Thanksgiving.

She seems to be doing okay, but just had kind of a meltdown when we put her down for a nap. She cried yesterday at naptime, too, but did go to sleep. Today she only slept for a minute or two. It was more like a night terror or hysterical inconsolable moaning. I don't know if she's afraid or sad and missing the hogar, and why not at bedtime at night? We held her and gave her a little box of raisins, and it helped her some. (Her first experience with comfort food - not a good idea, I know, but what are you going to do?)


Jennifer said...

WHOOO HOOO!!!! Congratulations! Now sit back and relax... enjoy your time together... and BRING THAT GIRL HOME!!!! We are so excited for you!

KMC, MD said...

Don't apologize for your instincts, Linda. You'll have plenty of time to establish your routines and traditions... and a few raisins along the way make tough times a little sweeter, don't they?

I'm so happy for you both, for your family. Here's to smooth sailing from here on out...
