Friday, April 4, 2008

Not much is new.

We get asked a lot if we've heard anything. The answer is no, nothing new. I called PGN again today, and we are still with the 2nd reviewer, which is better than being kicked out, but still not the news I wanted to hear. I keep reading on the e-mail discussion groups about people who went into PGN around the same time as we re-entered getting out already, but so far not us. 2 weeks with the 2nd reviewer seems to be long enough! We'll just keep praying . . .

In the meantime, we got some more pictures that were taken this week by families down visiting and picking up (and I stole some of these off of someone's blog :-)). I just love getting new pictures of Ruth and her friends!

Sara came back to say good-bye, and pass out goodie bags. Ruth is sitting on the far right.

Aw-w, she's cute, even with crumbs on her face - this girl loves snacks!

With Jennifer (Sara's mom), and Gerson and Elviz - two brothers whose case is stuck in PGN. Please pray that it will get un-stuck so they can go home.

She seems to have a nervous habit of biting her lip - it gets scabby now and then... I can't imagine what she'd have to be nervous about... she's only been in an orphanage for OVER A YEAR and soon will fly to the United States to live with some people she doesn't know!!

A-ha! There she goes!

I don't know what time of day this was, but she looks like she has some serious bed-head going on here!

Have a good weekend, and let's pray for good news next week!

1 comment:

Krystal said...

Ruth has the brightest smile! She really is just gorgeous :)