Monday, July 13, 2009

A few random photos

Here are a few photos from the last week. I stayed home with the dog a lot this weekend, and we just had a big ol' mutual admiration fest! Since I give him the most attention and affection, I am his person, and that's okay with me! I even got to read a little, as he slept under my lawn chair. I thought it would be cute to take some pictures of him in one of Claire's old wagons, but could not get him to stay in.

The girls made some chocolate chip cookies, and they were yummy. They gave most of them away to the neighbors, whose puppy is sick.

I came home from work one day last week to find Mia napping on the porch - ouch! This doesn't look too comfortable!

1 comment:

Mama Bear said...

Those are just awesome pictures and what fun seeing the puppy and the wagon!!!!Too funny. Girls are just gorgeous, yummy cookies!!!