Sunday, July 19, 2009

A little addition


+ 10 minutes =

Monday, July 13, 2009

A few random photos

Here are a few photos from the last week. I stayed home with the dog a lot this weekend, and we just had a big ol' mutual admiration fest! Since I give him the most attention and affection, I am his person, and that's okay with me! I even got to read a little, as he slept under my lawn chair. I thought it would be cute to take some pictures of him in one of Claire's old wagons, but could not get him to stay in.

The girls made some chocolate chip cookies, and they were yummy. They gave most of them away to the neighbors, whose puppy is sick.

I came home from work one day last week to find Mia napping on the porch - ouch! This doesn't look too comfortable!

Friday, July 10, 2009

FFF - A few favorites

Well, the Favorite Foto Friday theme for today is supposed to be Red, White & Blue, but I forgot my camera, and didn't take any pictures of the girls on the 4th :-(, so I thought I'd just post a few of my favorites from this past week. The ones of Mia and me were taken by Claire, our budding photographer. And, of course, I had to throw in some of Andy. I'm totally smitten by this puppy, even though he's a LOT of work. Boy, I hope he finishes this potty training soon. I can't wait to hold him on my lap in the evenings, and just spend relaxing time with him in the house, but he's not too trustworthy yet and we do a lot of running outside with him - and we've still cleaned up many accidents! (We should have bought stock in the Bounty Paper Towel company!) But he's doing really well once he gets out there, and pretty much always goes, so I think he's starting to get the idea.

Not great of me or Mia, but Andy was posing cutely!

This white patch on her cheek is driving me crazy - anyone know of something that will help take these away? I read about them on Guatadopt, but I can't remember the name of the cream that some said was really good...

For more FFF posts, check out Sarah's blog.

Have a good weekend!

Friday, July 3, 2009

FFF - I'm surrounded by cuteness!

For more Favorite Foto Friday posts, see Sarah's blog. Have a happy 4th!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A new member of the family

Our friends' Westies had a litter of puppies, and they were so cute, we couldn't resist getting one!

His name is Andy, and if he doesn't die from over-handling by Mia and Claire, I think he's going to be a pretty neat little buddy! Some of these photos were taken the first night we saw them. I think this was Andy -

I don't know which one was him, they all looked so much alike, but this was him and his brothers -

Claire holding one of the brothers -

I think this was him -

And this -