Friday, May 8, 2009

FFF - Mommy!

I remember holding Claire on my lap when she was just a few months old, taking her lips, moving them up and down like a little bird, and saying "Ma-ma...Ma-ma". I wanted so badly to hear her say it! I wanted it to be her first word. (It wasn't - I think her first word was, "More" in reference to FOOD!) Now I hear the word "Mom" so many times a day that I sometimes think I'm going to go crazy - but in spite of all of the tough times, I do enjoy being Mommy to my girls, and would so much rather be their mom than not a mom.

Since I posted a picture of Mia and me a couple of weeks ago, I'll post a couple of my favorites with Claire this week.

This one was taken in October of 2005...

...and I'm not sure when this one was - maybe '04 - taken with the camera on my computer.

Here's a little video clip from the first day we met Mia in Guatemala - Thanksgiving Day 2007 - the first time she called me Mommy.

Hope you have a great Mothers Day weekend! For more FFF posts, see Sarah's blog.


Vanessa said...

Have a wonderful Mother's Day!

nora said...

Lovely pictures and the video is amazing. Thanks for the smile!

Happy Mother's Day!

Tina said...

Happy Mother's Day

Tracy said...

Those are lovely pictures, and the video is very special. I hope you have a lovely Mothers Day

Lilysmom said...

Your girls are beautiful! Happy Mothers day

The Flores Family(Maria, Jose and Jose Luis) said...

I love that video...waht a beautiful moment to capture!

Kim & Dave said...

How cool that you captured that on video!!

Katrina said...

Happy Mother's Day!!