Sunday, May 11, 2014

Keeping an open mind...

Claire and I took a little road trip on Thursday afternoon, and went over to take a look at the school and check out the house they have available for us to rent on campus. Claire was there with me for an alumni weekend when she was 6, but doesn't remember it. Amy Cirigliano, who is the recruitment and marketing director, showed us around, and introduced us to some of the staff and students. I think it eased Claire's mind a little about switching schools.

Sorry about the blurry spots on these pictures. It was raining.

 The Administration Building and gazebo. The fronts of the buildings have changed, and that gazebo has been built since I was in school there.

 The girls' dorm, where I spent two years.

 The church down the hill, on the drive in from the main road. All three of these pictures were taken from the parking lot. It's a pretty compact campus.

We also got to take a look at the house. What can I say about it --- it's small. We will definitely need to throw out or store some stuff big time. I think the living room may actually be bigger than what we currently have, but the bedrooms are teeny, and there is no master bathroom. Just a regular and a half bath, both in the hall. They are in the tearing apart stages of renovating the house, so it is a MESS. We're going to ask them to please at least change the door of the half bath to open into the bedroom that is next to it, and that can be our room. Ugh - I'm trying really hard to keep an open mind and a positive attitude.

On the positive side, there is a part time job on campus that is perfect for my skill set, and I'm going to send in my resume! It would be so nice to not have to drive to work, be able to walk home for lunch, and not have to worry about getting to work in snowy or icy weather!

Here are a few pictures. Keep an open mind, now...

The outside. The addition on the left used to be a carport, and someone converted it into a family room. No garage. Hmm. Larry's got tons of bikes and tools. Where will he put them??

I've also got a ton of sewing and knitting stuff. Maybe I can get myself one of those cute little barns from Lowe's, seal it up good, and make it my little craft house.

 The living room. Long and skinny.

 The family room. Also long and skinny.

The kitchen. Short and skinny. I told the maintenance man who was showing us everything, how everything in my house is blue, white and yellow, so hopefully they will choose very light and neutral colors! Please, no grainy brown countertops!

The front yard. I like the trees! The drive behind the biggest tree goes up to the elementary school where Mia will attend. She can walk. Just think how much we will save on gasoline! I would say at least $200 per month.

We're thinking we will store our excess junk, and try to sell our current house. Once it sells, we can look at our leisure for a place nearby. Or, who knows? Maybe we'll enjoy our downsized way of living, and decide to stay awhile!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Another Beautiful Weekend!

Two pretty weekends in a row - wow! The girls and I had been sick earlier in the week, but in spite of our lingering sniffles and coughs, we were able to get out and enjoy the nice weather. Saturday afternoon we spent some time at the NC Arboretum down the road. We've got season passes that we got for Christmas, but this has been the first time we've used them, just because we didn't feel like getting out in the cold earlier. Here are a few pictures.

Andy on the drive there. He LOVES riding in the car!

Claire was not happy out there - too many gnats. *sigh*

Larry and I spent this afternoon trimming back the Hydrangeas. Ugh. I'm just ill about them getting zapped by the cold this year.

Here is how they usually look in June:

And here is how they look now:

Usually in June:

And now:

I guess it will be good for them to have a year to concentrate on plant growth. We can print out some pictures to show folks who come to view the house.