Friday, September 18, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
A little walk to the lake
Yesterday we took the dog and went for a walk to a little lake nearby. The girls were fine at first, and waded a little in the creek, but then got quite put out at us for not letting them swim in the lake. Um, let's see...we don't have swimsuits with us, and dogs aren't allowed at the beach area - it doesn't seem too hard to accept, but somehow it was. Anyway, WE had a nice time, and ran into a couple of families from church out walking. And Andy had a great time sniffing around and meeting some other dogs.Mia on the bridge over the creek.
Claire the thinker... "How can I get them to let me go swimming?"
Fake smile on the fishing dock.
This is Mia's "I'm not getting my way" look. "You're not letting me do what I want, so I'm not going to do what you want." But at least she snaps out of it pretty quickly these days - yea!
Have a good week!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
At the Nature Center
Claire and Mia were invited to a birthday party at the Nature Center yesterday. Our Nature Center showcases animals that are native to this region. Claire had not been since she was very small, so it was pretty much all new to both of them. They had a great time.I thought these turtles looked like they were talking - probably about how tired they are of people looking at them, and all of those noisy kids running around...
Sliding down the otter slide
In the butterfly house they sprayed our fingers with sugar water to attract the butterflies. They wouldn't actually land on you, but if you put your finger by one that was sitting, it would crawl onto you.
Mia showing her beaver teeth.
The bears were in a fence that was curved in at the top, but still a little too close for comfort for me!
Too far away. I would like to have seen the deer a little closer.
Claire was fascinated with this green striped caterpillar.
Ooh - I would not want to touch that thing!
This was the biggest rabbit I've ever seen.
A wolf lying down for a little nap.
A white wolf.