I found these PJs and got them for Mia for Christmas --- are they cute, or what??
Hiding under the computer desk...
I have to go back to work tomorrow, and I'm pretty down about it. Boy, those 6 days flew by!
Monday, December 29, 2008
PJ Pix
Friday, December 26, 2008
FFF - Merry Christmas!
I hope everyone had a really nice Christmas. We did, and it's not over yet. Today we clean some, and my sister and her family will be coming in this weekend. On Christmas Eve we went over to Nana's for supper with Aunt Jan and Uncle Dennis. The girls had spent the night before with Nana, which gave us some nice time alone, and Nana had lots of help getting supper prepared. After supper we made ornaments and then opened gifts. We did "Dirty Santa", or "White Elephant", and Mia was happy to open this huge candy cane --- and glad that nobody snitched it from her.
Then we played a few games of Jenga. The girls are really quite good at it.
Here's Claire scoping out a move...
Christmas morning at our house...
Here's Claire ready to get online and adopt her new Webkinz.
My folks came over for lunch, and Jan and Dino, too. It was Larry's birthday, so I baked him a cake, and Claire decorated it ... can you see the number written in candles??
In the afternoon I let the girls practice a little with the camera. Mia LOVED it, but I couldn't quite get her to understand how the auto-focus button worked, so most that she took were blurry, except a couple of my shoes. Here's one that Claire took that wasn't blurry.
And here are a couple of my favorites of Mia's first Christmas with us...
For more FFF posts, see Sarah's blog.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
First Christmas Pix
Here's a picture taken just before Claire's first Christmas with us...
... so I thought I'd take the same kind of picture of Mia's first Christmas with us. (I think Mia thinks I'm nuts. She acted like "you want me to get in THERE? Why??")
Thursday, December 18, 2008
FFF - My pretty girls
Two of my favorite recent pictures of the girls. It's a busy busy day today, so I don't have much to say...
For more FFF posts, visit Sarah's blog.
Friday, December 12, 2008
FFF - In the Chrismas Spirit!
I'm posting a couple of my favorite photos from this week. We're getting in the Christmas spirit around here. I wrapped gifts last Sunday, and the girls were very excited. Here's a picture of them in a getting-along moment by the tree. They had counted the gifts, and each had the same number, so all was well!
Last night the church school had their Christmas program. Everyone did really well. Claire and Mia were in the choir. Here were my angels before they went on.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
A few random photos
Here are a few photos of Mia from the last couple of weeks.
Last Saturday afternoon she and Daddy played Memory with some Christmas cards - over and over and over and over again.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Please pray...
Please remember my friend through adoption Carla and her family in your prayers at this very sad time in their lives.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
FFF - My Santa Babies
Since we're into the holidays, I thought for Favorite Foto Friday I'd post some pix of my little soapy Santas.
For more FFF posts, check out Sarah's blog. Have a good weekend!