Ahhhh - Thanksgiving. My favorite holiday! Time off work, and no gifts to buy! Just a few of the things I'm thankful for:
God - without Him, what would the point of it all be?
My husband, who supports me and tries his best to carry out all of the projects I dream up.
My kids - sometimes they drive me crazy, but overall I'd much rather be their mom than not.
My family
My friends
My church family
My cats
A home that's warm and safe
Jobs that pay the bills
I've been off since Wednesday, not really doing much, just a little shopping and taking it easy. My job tends to get hectic around Christmas, and pretty much can ruin that holiday for me, so I've been kind of pushing it up in my mind, and been in the Christmas spirit over Thanksgiving. I've done a lot of my Christmas shopping this week, and last night we even put up the Christmas tree! We've NEVER done it that early before.
Here are a few pictures from the last few days. I've been trying for awhile to get some Christmas card photos taken. It always makes me think of the many packs of pictures my mom would take each year of the 3 of us, trying so hard to get one nice photo to put on a card. Back then it would mean rolls and rolls of film, and she'd start in the summer. Must have been so frustrating! How disappointing to wait for pictures to come back, only to have not one good one! (Some day I'll have to scan and post some of the rejects. We still have a bunch of them, and they are so funny.) Digital is such a blessing! Here are a few that didn't make the cut.
I got out the manger scene, and Mia liked it. I thought she might like to play with it, but she wanted to arrange it JUST like the picture on the box.
Notice the backward-facing tree ornaments, and broken candy cane. I had LOTS of help decorating the tree. Oh well - what's a few years of bunched-up, backwards ornaments? Too soon they'll be grown up, and I'll be back to doing it all by myself.
Have a nice weekend! For more FFF Thanksgiving posts, see Sarah's blog.